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Q: Are all white great dane deaf or blind?
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Is it safe to breed a Merle Great Dane?

no , because if you do the puppies can be born with blind ness or deaf ness or the could come out even dead... i have a female merle great dane and my family is thinking of spaying her if i were you i would spay your dane as well

A pedestrian with a white stick and red band is?

A pedestrian with a white stick and a red band means that they are blind and deaf.. hopefully they are not walking alone :P

What colour are deaf blind and deaf and blind sticks?

Deafblind canes are typically white with a red tip, contrasting with regular white canes for the visually impaired. Deaf or hard of hearing individuals do not typically use canes. Nevertheless, for individuals who are both deaf and blind, the cane might have features to help with communication or navigation, such as a vibration or feedback system instead of color.

Deaf is to post as blind is to what?

Deaf is to post as blind is to read.

Are Bacteria Both Blind and Deaf?

Yes, the bacteria is both blind and deaf.

Love is blind but hate is deaf?

love is blind but hate is deaf true

Is Robin Thicke deaf or blind?

No, Thicke is neither deaf nor blind.

What colour is a deaf and blind oerson's stick?

A deaf and blind person may use a white cane, just like a blind person, to help with navigation and detect obstacles. The color is meant to alert others that the person may have a dual sensory impairment.

Is blind considered deaf?

No. Blind means you can't SEE. Deaf means you can't HEAR.

Can you be deaf if you are blind?

Yes. Helen Keller was one such example of someone who was both deaf and blind.

Was sacagawea blind?

she was deaf in one ear and blind in the other !

Was Helen Keller the only deaf and blind student at the Perkins institution for the Blind?

No, there are blind and deaf students attending right now.