

Are all homosapians mammals

Updated: 11/16/2022
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Q: Are all homosapians mammals
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When did begin being homosapians?

Not yet, apparently.

Do mammals have a skeloten?

Yes, all mammals have a skeleton.Yes, all mammals have a skeleton.Yes, all mammals have a skeleton.Yes, all mammals have a skeleton.Yes, all mammals have a skeleton.Yes, all mammals have a skeleton.

How old would homosapians be if the were alive today?

They're still around now.

Are all mammals human too?

All humans are mammals but not all mammals are human.

Are all sea animals mammals?

No, all sea animals are not mammals. Fishes are not mammals, but dolphins are mammals.

Why are all primates mammals?

If you mean "Are all mammals primates?" then the answer is no. Primates are a type of mammal. All primates are mammals. Not all mammals are primates. For example, cats, dogs, bears, rodents... these are all mammals, but not primates.

Are mammals vertebrate or invertebrate?

All mammals are vertebrates because they have a spine and spinal cord, and an internal skeleton. They belong to the Phylum Chordata. Mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians are all vertebrates.

Do some mammals have backbones?

Yes; all mammals have backbones because all mammals are vertebrates.

Do Bisons have backbones?

Yes- they are mammals, all mammals are vertabrates.

Do all mammals have roughly skin?

All mammals have skin.