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Not by a long shot - I have personally observed a mature Holstein bull get stuck in a corner created by a long fence (about 50 feet) and about six inches of fence. The ten-foot long gate that was standing wide open was next to the six inch fence section. And yet, the bull was stuck - he couldn't go forward and he couldn't turn left. After about three tries, the bull walked out of the open gate.

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Wally Kluck

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1mo ago

Yes, cattle are generally intelligent animals.

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Q: Are all cattle smart
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What lives in a pen?

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What states do cattle come from?

Cattle are found in all states.

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Are cattle smart?

Not particularly - cattle score relatively low on measures of intelligence such as self-recognition, problem solving and other cognitive tests. However, they are smart enough to figure out the environmental cues that mean food is coming and that being caught in a head gate or squeeze chute usually means they are not going to like what is about to be done to them.

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No! Not it all!

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The larger the herd of cattle, the larger the facilities need to be to accommodate for all those cattle.