

Are all Maltese dogs white

Updated: 11/14/2022
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12y ago

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no some are also grey and if ur luky u might get a pink one :d

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Q: Are all Maltese dogs white
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When Maltese dogs grow old does their fur turn yellowish?

Maltese dogs that are white and other pets that are white usually need a special shampoo to keep them looking white.

Is a Maltese color blind?

Not all puppies are color blind , but there are types of breeds that are naturally colorblind.

What are Maltese and beagle and Pug?

they are all breads of dogs

What are Maltese used for?

What are Maltese used for? Maltese Dogs are tiny (7 pounds or under) companion dogs.

Is a Maltese dog a mammal?

yes, Maltese are mammals. all dogs are. if you have more questions, go to: fluffangel1999 thanks!

Can you by Maltese dogs that cost less?

Try RSPCA, all the dogs there deserve a good home.

What do Maltese like to do?

maltese dogs and puppys sleep

What color do Maltese dog see?

Maltese dogs see in muted shades of the vibrant colors humans see. Grey-ish tones are most commonly seen for a Maltese, however colors such as dark red and dark green are seen clearest / more vibrantly than other colors Maltese see. Same goes for most if not all other breeds of dogs.

Is it rare for a Maltese to have brown hair?

Yes, it is rare for a Maltese dog to have brown hair. Maltese dogs typically have a white or off-white coat, although some may have light tan or lemon markings. Brown hair in a Maltese may be a result of cross-breeding or other genetic factors.

What are facts about Maltese?

The Maltese terrier is a small dog, ranging roughly from 3 to 10 pounds, but breeds standards, as a whole call for a weight between 4 and 8 pounds. The Maltese's coat is white and is long and silky. Maltese are high energy dogs.

Do Maltese dogs kill kittens?

Of course they do - they're dogs. Any dog might - and could - kill a kitten. Even small white fluffy dogs. Which is not to say that a Maltese dog WILL kill kittens - but it might, given opportunity and insufficient socialisation / training to prevent it.

Is the westhigh white terrier and Maltese the same dog?

No, not at all.