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I am HUGELY allergic to cats and have not been able to own a cat for about 20 years, as contact with cats have sent me to hospital emergency rooms. Then, about six months ago, I heard about the relatively new Savannah species which is supposed to be hypoallergenic. I decided to get a kitten and find out for myself. I bought my kitten from one of the most well-established and long-standing breeders in the country. I wanted to get an F5 generation kitten or higher, just to be on the safe side. The F1-F3 generations of savannahs have a high percentage of African Serval blood, which may increase their hypoallergenic properties (as with the Bengal breed, it seems like the percentage of wild cat blood has something to do with the chances of a cat being "allergy free.") But F1-F3 Savannah cats are usually more expensive and tend to be more wild and less touchy-feely. So, I opted for a F5 kitten, with about 5% serval blood and a fantastic temperament.

The RESULT? I would say I am mildly allergic to the cat, as opposed to insanely allergic. If I kiss and cuddle the cat, unless I wash off my hands and face, I usually get mild Asthma or sinus conditions. I DO NOT get itchy, watery eyes, though, and my face doesn't swell up like a balloon. The cat is so awesome (Savannahs have a very friendly, dog-like personality and are hyper-active, like a cat on speed) that I just deal with it and use my albuterol inhaler when necessary. It's wonderful to be able to have a cat in my life again.

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Q: Are Savannah cats hypoallergenic
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well if the cat that the hypoallergenic cat is mixed with isn't hypoall. then the cat isn't hypoallergenic. if the mix includes all hypoall. cats then the cat is hypoallergenic.

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Sorry its not.

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Japanese Bobtail cats are not a hypoallergenic breed of cat. They produce as much dander as any average domestic cat.

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No, Havana Brown cats are not considered hypoallergenic. While no cat breed is completely hypoallergenic, some breeds may produce fewer allergens than others, but Havana Browns are not typically known for being hypoallergenic. Allergies to cats are usually triggered by proteins in their saliva, dander, and urine, rather than their fur.

Are savannah cats independent do they like to be picked and what cat will come on your lap on its own?

Wild Savannah cats are independent. When domesticated, they will come to your lap on their own.

Are Maine Coon Cats Hypoallergenic?

Maine Coon cats are not hypoallergenic because they have thick fur that sheds a lot throughout the year. Whenever the fur sheds, the Coon's dander sticks to the hair.

Is Savannah cat illegal in NC?

No, Savannah cats are not illegal in Missouri. Both Missouri and its bordering state Kansas do let Savannah cats be purchased or adopted.

Are Savannah cats and servals the same?

No, a Savannah is a mix of a serval and a domestic cat.

Can you breed two Savannah cats together Like a male and a female Savannah?


Can you purchase a Savannah cat in the state of Georgia?

Unfortunately Savannah cats are not legal in Georgia.