Yes, they are good at flyball because of its jaw size. Rottweilers are not that silly and nice dogs that would not ignore other dogs that get the flyball.
No, they are not great retrievers.
A Saluki Dog is a good choice for people with allergies. This breed of dog does suffer from allergies themselves.
Yes dogs certainly can do flyball. There are regular competitions in this sport for dogs & their Handlers.
The Saluki itself is a breed of pedigree dog.
Yes, they are very good at it because they are extremely smart, agile, and very fast
Yes, because golden retrievers are nice dogs that will act nice depending on how you treat it. If you throw a flyball, the golden retriever would be happy to get it back for you.
Afghan or Saluki
yes. There are many yorkies that competes in flyball
I can't say this for all Bichon Frises, but my dog is not good at Flyball, and frankly is not interested in playing with any BALL. Bichon Frises are pretty mellow dogs, they just need love, the excersize thing is totally secondary.
Any breed can be good at flyball The most commonly seen are from the hearding and working groups, but on my flyball team we have a dalmation and even a pomeranien, so that goes to show any dog can potentially do it.Ideally what you want in a flyball dog is high ball drive, obedient, and speed. The dog needs to have an excellent recall and be very energetic and in good shape. For more info on flyball and to find a club in your area, check out the related links.