In cats, the brachiocephalic vein originates from the subclavian vein. In humans, the brachiocephalic vein is formed by the confluence of the subclavian vein and the internal jugular vein on each side of the body.
the are called persian cats because, the were originated from persia
Of course! Persian cats are related to other cats,they are just a specific brand of cat out of the hundred kinds of cats.
NO! Cats do not feel such emotions as racism, and if one cat doesn't like a Persian cat there is another reason.
Flat faced Persians have very flat noses, but doll faced Persian cats have less flat noses. Compared to other types of cats though, even doll faced Persian cats have flat noses. Want more information on Persian cats? Go to my website to learn more! We also sell doll and flat faced Persian kittens.
Yes, Persian cats can have blue eyes. Eye colors in Persian cats include blue, copper, green, hazel, and odd-eyed (two colored eyes, i.e. one blue, one copper).
Persian Cats
Persian cats
where jesus lived
they are very nice
They are kind of dumb.