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Not usually..... but it depends on how well they are trained, and also how comfortable they are being touched. Like most dogs, its not a good idea to surprise them by grabbing or squeezing it (without letting it know you're there first). Maltese don't usually snap if they are aware of your presence, and will (ordinarily) only nip if they feel threatened. As long as you are gentle, they will not feel a need to defend themselves (unless they have not been properly trained). ;)

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Q: Are Maltese dogs snappy
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What are Maltese used for?

What are Maltese used for? Maltese Dogs are tiny (7 pounds or under) companion dogs.

What do Maltese like to do?

maltese dogs and puppys sleep

Are there a lot of Maltese dogs in Malta?

If they are born there (or are naturalized citizens) they are Maltese.

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What is a Maltese dogs diet?

i do not now

What is better little dogs or big dogs?

It depends entirely on what your looking for, little dogs can be snappy but if they are trained then they are amazing with children! On the other hand, big dogs can be aggressive and can turn and become a threat but people say that big dogs are nicer than littler dogs entirely on the fact that little dogs are snappy and big ones aren't!

Why were Maltese bred?

They were bred to be lap dogs

Can Maltese dogs have blue eyes?


Which dogs can stay in flats?

Small dogs/toy breeds such as a Yorkie and Maltese

Do dogs like Maltese migrate?

yes some do

What are Maltese and beagle and Pug?

they are all breads of dogs