This will vary based on the person or family. The Australian Shepherd are playful and easygoing companions. They are a good addition to the right family.
theRottweiler and Australian Shepard
My favriote pet is my dog . His name is Elvis and he is loving , cute , cuddly , playful , and everything i need . He like other dogs can tell how you feel and is there for you when your down . I really want a ferret but there to pricey , and i think there hilarous , cuddly , fun , playful , little animals. This is all just my opinion ! Those are my fav pets :)
People should have dogs for pets because they make GREAT pets that are a lot more playful then cats. But they are also are very cuddly at the same time. so that is why people should choose dogs as their pets.
dogs are the most playful
Extremely playful!I have a dog that loves everyone he meets!
it depends on you that which type of dog you want for example if you want a playful and frisbee dog Australian shepherd and border collie are the best breed and if you want a guard dog then German shepherd and rotteiler or pittbull are the best in small dogs playful categories jack Russell terierr is the best
When he lived at home with his parents, Zac Efron had 2 Australian Shepard dogs named Dreamer and Puppy. He also has a Siamese cat.
Shih-tzu dogs are pretty fast it depends on the dogs personality. If it is a playful dog it is fast. If it isn't playful it's slower than a playful dog.
most of them are,
No there are many Shepard dogs such as springer Shepard which are used to hunt ducks but no duck Shepard dog