No, nets cannot lay eggs as they are inanimate objects used for catching or trapping things like fish. Eggs are laid by living organisms such as birds, reptiles, and some other animals for reproduction.
fish like groupers lay eggs but sharks dont.....and so do mammals.
Yes, animals that lay eggs do not feel pain during the process of laying eggs.
You may wonder why but really its just how they were made sharks are still fish but they dont lay eggs cuz a lot of cold blooded animals have live birth and sharks are one of these kinds.some sharks do have babies in eggs
snakes dont lay eggs
what kind of fish dont lay eggs
Oviparous animals lay eggs.
Animals that lay eggs are called Oviparous animals. These type of animals have no specific class as mammals as well as types of fishes and birds can produce eggs.
The birds do not need to lay so many eggs because the probability of all the eggs getting hatched is higher compared to the amphibians. Secondly, the predators that feed on the eggs are fewer as compared to the other animals that lay very many eggs.
Yes, faries do lay eggs. Just becuase theyre mammals does not mean they dont lay eggs.
the same why humans give birth and they dont lay eggs
Amphibians lay their eggs in water usually. Newts do if you are looking for a specific animal.Fish also lay their eggs in the water.The animals that lay their eggs underwater are:frogsturtlesfishduckbill platypuslobstersbeetleseel