A neutered dog can achieve an erection. It has nothing to do with sexual urges. General excitement, such as a new person in their home can cause this.
A castrated dog is still called a dog. If it was a rescue dog it would be considered as being neutered.
Yes. A neuter dog's penis is still intact, and that is what causes the tying, although neutered dogs generally don't have the drive to do so.
Yes, a fixed male dog can still exhibit humping behavior towards a fixed female dog. However, since both dogs are fixed, there will be no possibility of penetration or reproduction. Humping behavior can be a display of dominance or simply a form of play.
It's a dominance thing; the humper is showing the humpee who's boss-dog.
Not necessarily. They will still be aggressive to other animals because of their territory and they may not stop being aggressive.
If it really is one of the testicles, then it isn't normal. that would be a failed neutering. The dog would still have all the urges of an intact dog, and still be able to father puppies.
My interpretation of this question was how early can you get a dog neutered and will this stop them from being dominant. A dog can be neutered at around six months and it will often make them less dominant.
Stop touching your dogs balls dude.S.G
Tell him no! then put him in another room. If he doesn't get the message, get him neutered.
The healing process for a dog after being neutered typically takes about 10-14 days. During this time, it is important to follow the veterinarian's instructions for post-operative care to ensure a smooth recovery.
A dog can be neutered at any age after 6 months.
The risk of a dog developing certain types of cancer is reduced if the dog is neutered.