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Q: A mushroom and a humpback whale are alike because both are?
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What does a humpback whale and a mushroom have in common?

They are both lesbians

Is the humpback whale a baleen whale or a toothed whale?

The Humpback whale is a baleen.

Can you have a humpback whale?

it is possible to have a humpback whale if you owned an ocean. its not scientificly possible to own a humpback whale.

What is a humpback whale's habitat?

The humpback whale's habitat is the ocean.

Is humpback whale extinction?

No, the humpback whale is not extinct, but it is Endangered.

How do you spell humpback whale?

Humpback Whale that looks nice and neat NOT humpback whale! Common names should not be capitalized, italicized or underlined. So: The humpback whale breached. NOT: The Humpback Whale breached.

Does a humpback whale have babies?

yes a humpback whale is a mamale and it has babies

Does a humpback whale have to build its home?

no because they don't have a home

Is the humpback whale an endangered whale?

At the moment, the humpback whale is not endangered and it is the least concerned whale. So don't worry!:)

When was Songs of the Humpback Whale created?

Songs of the Humpback Whale was created in 1992.

What is the ISBN of Songs of the Humpback Whale?

The ISBN of Songs of the Humpback Whale is 0743431014.

Why is a humpback whale a carnivore?

Humpback whales are carnivores because they primarily feed on small fish, krill, and plankton. Their diet consists of marine animals, which classifies them as carnivores.