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womens bag
bag it
bag or case
Usually you take a bag with you and put your hand in the bag, grab the waste, then turn the bag inside out so that your hand is in the outside and the waste is in the bag. Tie it up, throw it out.
leave it in your hand, if your bag is made to strap boards on the outside, strap it in!
Womens handbag
As long as the player has control of the ball in either hand or glove and any part of the body touches the bag it is an out (only for a force out).
I wouldn't recommend it as most hand sanitizer has alcohol in it and alcohol will take the color out of your bag.
Back pack? hand bag? Satchel Bag? Wedding Bags? Purse lingo? Laptop Bag? Duffle bag? Sling Bag? Tote?
Coach purses do sell a geniune crocodile skin hand bag. These can be purchased from a variety of retailers.