Well Louis vuitton is very high priced and if you really want somthing from Louis vuitton i would suggest a fake would be the best if you cant afford it
Louis Vuitton was born on August 4, 1821 and died on February 27, 1892. Louis Vuitton would have been 70 years old at the time of death or 193 years old today.
The best place to purchase a Louis Vuitton bag would be from the official Louis Vuitton web store or any of their retail locations. Other stores may offer slightly damaged bags from greatly reduced prices.
Ebay would be a great first starting step to locate antique Louis Vuitton luggage. Also local antique stores are a great place to shop for them as well.
Well not much, normally a fake Louis Vuitton purse would sell for about $15. Sometimes on Ebay they sell for over $100 because the seller doesn't say its fake.
Why would you want one when the cashier at the Piggly Wiggly has one?
In the early 1800s Louis Vuitton trained as a luggage packer for a wealthy Parisian family He was then appointed by Napoleon III to pack the dresses of the Empress Eugenie. Little did he know this would be the start of his rise to fame.
Cheap Louis Vuitton bags do not exist unless they are a fake. Louis Vuitton do not enter into a discounting strategy for their bags as that would devalue the brand. You may find some second hand Vuitton bags on ebay if you are on budget
i would guess Louis Vuitton in paris they love to shop there when they go to paris
Louis Vuitton by a long way! You can even compare the price for both bags. A typical Louis Vuitton bag would cost over US $3000 while a Zara bag costs a mere US $99! You want to make sure your Louis Vuitton product is genuine, however. A fake LV bad would be worth less than a Zara bag.
Louis Vuitton is a popular designer that manufactures desirable clothing and handbags. Louis Vuitton suede purses can be purchased at upscale retailers such as Bloomingdales, Macy's, Nordstrom, and Saks Fifth Avenue. The handbags are also available for purchase over the internet or directly from the Louis Vuitton Store in locations such as New York, Las Vegas and San Francisco.
No. Louis Vuitton bags, key rings, watches, and other products are produced in their several factories around the world. These factories are located in Southern California (USA), Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain, and of course, France. A few years ago, the LV brand entertained the idea if opening a factory in India. This factory location, however, is unconfirmed. If opened, the factory in India would be designated to produce Louis Vuitton shoes only. Louis Vuitton currently does NOT produce anything made in China.