Louis Vuitton bags, key rings, watches, and other products are produced in their several factories around the world. These factories are located in Southern California (USA), Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain, and of course, France. A few years ago, the LV brand entertained the idea if opening a factory in India. This factory location, however, is unconfirmed. If opened, the factory in India would be designated to produce Louis Vuitton shoes only. .
These factories are located in Southern California (USA), Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain, and of course, France. A few years ago, the LV brand entertained the idea if opening a factory in India. This factory location, however, is unconfirmed. If opened, the factory in India would be designated to produce Louis Vuitton shoes only.
No. Louis Vuitton bags, key rings, watches, and other products are produced in their several factories around the world. These factories are located in Southern California (USA), Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain, and of course, France. A few years ago, the LV brand entertained the idea if opening a factory in India. This factory location, however, is unconfirmed. If opened, the factory in India would be designated to produce Louis Vuitton shoes only. Louis Vuitton currently does NOT produce anything made in China.
No. Louis Vuitton bags, key rings, watches, and other products are produced in their several factories around the world. These factories are located in Southern California (USA), Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain, and of course, France. A few years ago, the LV brand entertained the idea if opening a factory in India. This factory location, however, is unconfirmed. If opened, the factory in India would be designated to produce Louis Vuitton shoes only. Louis Vuitton currently does NOT produce anything made in China.
Louis Vuitton bags, key rings, watches, and other products are produced in their several factories around the world. These factories are located in Southern California (USA), Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain, and of course, France. A few years ago, the LV brand entertained the idea if opening a factory in India. This factory location, however, is unconfirmed. If opened, the factory in India would be designated to produce Louis Vuitton shoes only.
Many Louis Vuitton products say: "Louis Vuitton Paris Made In France" Actually some are also made in USA as well as Spain for smaller products. Louis Vuitton bags, key rings, watches, and other products are produced in their several factories around the world. These factories are located in Southern California (USA), Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain, and of course, France. A few years ago, the LV brand entertained the idea if opening a factory in India. This factory location, however, is unconfirmed. If opened, the factory in India would be designated to produce Louis Vuitton shoes only.
Louis Vuitton...
Yes.....Louis vuitton was a boy.He is the founder of French fashion house - Louis Vuitton.
Yes Louis Vuitton is female
Louis Vuitton currently offers six different perfumes: Les Parfums Louis Vuitton (1998), Les Parfums Louis Vuitton Turbulences (2002), Les Parfums Louis Vuitton Inclusion (2005), Les Parfums Louis Vuitton Contre Moi (2008), Les Parfums Louis Vuitton Dans La Peau (2009), and Les Parfums Louis Vuitton Nouveau Monde (2013).
Louis vuitton does not have sales. If you see a Louis vuitton item on the internet that says it is being sold by Louis vuitton and is on sale, it is a fake. the price on the item is the price you pay.
Xavier Louis Vuitton is a new brand of wine.