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Usually on your wrist, but people wear watch chains on their belts or in their pockets for pocket watches, they make keychain watches, armband watches, and even finger/ring watches.

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What kind of watch does warren buffet wear?

He dont wear a watch....

What kind of watch does Cindy mccain wear?

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What is the best watch winder?

A watch winder is used to keep your automatic watches working if you do not wear them on a regualar basis. It provides the motion that is necessary to keep a watch working and keeping time. You place your watch on the watch winder, and it will create a motion that will allow the watch to keep time and continue working. These are not a necessity, and if you wear your watch regularly you would not need one. It is great if you have a special watch that you may only wear on special occasions.

What kind of a watch does Miley Cyrus wear?

Miley doesn´t wear a watch most of the time...

What wrist does a woman wear a watch?

most women wear a watch on the right side if they are LEFT HANDED a woman wears a watch on the left SIDE IF SHE IS RIGHT HANDED

Why do girls wear wrist watch in rt hand and boys wear wrist watch in left hand?

Everyone that I know that is right handed, wears their watch on the left arm, regardless of their gender. Left handed people often wear their watch on the left arm.

What do you wear that starts with w?

A watch.

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Did greasers wear flannels?

no they wear leather... not flannels... god watch the outsiders and find out what they wear....

Does etiquette dictate which arm to wear a watch?

Etiquette does not dictate which arm to wear a watch. This is mostly a matter of preference but most people find it comfortable to wear it on the left arm.

Did Adolf Hitler wear a watch?

Apparently he carried a pocket watch, no wristwatch.

What kind of watch does Bill Clinton wear?

a black plastic digital watch