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Where can l get the body spray sleepy lagoon by stowaway

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Diana Carr

Lvl 2
1y ago
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Diana Carr

Lvl 1
1y ago
Where can l buy the stowaway sleepy lagoon

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Q: Where can i get stowaway sleepy lagoon body spray?
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What was the body spray called in the 80s it came in a maroon coloured spray can?

was it called stowaway ive been looking for this for years i liked blue lagoon it smelt lovely

Is a lagoon a pond?

No, a lagoon is not a pond. A pond is a small body of water completely surrounded by land. A lagoon is a small body of water that is partially cut off from a larger body of water.

A shallow body of water located along a coast?

This is known as a lagoon, which is a shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by a barrier such as a reef or sandbar. Lagoons can vary in size and can be found along coastlines all over the world.

What is a shallow body of water that has an opening to the ocean but is also protected by a sandbar or coral reef?

It's a Lagoon.

Tryptophan what does it do to your body?

It makes you sleepy

Shallow body of water with an outlet to the ocean?

This is likely an estuary, which is a tidal channel where a river meets the sea, characterized by brackish water and unique ecosystems. Estuaries serve as important nurseries for marine life and provide a link between freshwater environments and the ocean.

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What is a example of a lagoon?

A lagoon is a shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by a barrier such as a reef or sandbar. An example of a lagoon is the lagoon of Bora Bora in French Polynesia, which is known for its crystal-clear waters and beautiful coral reefs.

What is a shalow body of water that has on opening to the ocean?

A lagoon is a shallow body of water that features an opening to the ocean or larger body of water. A lagoon is often separated from these larger bodies of water by barrier islands or reefs.

A shallow body of water that is separated from the open sea?

A shallow body of water that is separated from the open sea is called a lagoon. Lagoons are also commonly referred to as back reefs.

What is a shallow body of water that opens into a larger body of water that starts with L?

a Lagoon.

How is a lagoon formed?

A lagoon is formed when a body of water, usually a protected bay, is separated from the ocean by a natural barrier such as a sandbar, coral reef, or barrier island. The calm and shallow waters of lagoons provide a habitat for a variety of marine life.