the handbags on discountcoachhandbagcom are made in us.
I have the same question... What company made MW fancy handbags?
Coach Hobo handbags are usually made out of leather. It depends on which handbag you get if it is firmly made out of leather. Other Coach Hobo handbags can be made out of a silky material.
Melina's handbags are custom made so you can not get them unless they are bulk made on merchandise.
Handbags can be made out of rubber, cotton, wool, synthetic materials, gold, leather, silk or paper.
Tignanello handbags are quality handbags. They are made from only the best material available and they are very stylish too. They also are very durable.
Cole Haan Handbags come from Italy and are of nice high quality. They are made of genuine leather and are very popular quality handbags that sell for $400 and above.
Approximately 64 percent of the domestic handbags shipped in the United States in the late 1990s were made of leather
Most are made in China.
The italian ones