Michael Kors makes designer wallets and handbags. They are made from high quality leather and are enhanced by the fact that over the years they acquire a patina. The wallets (and bags) have the trademark "MK" insignia on the buckles and fasteners.
Michael Kors also make fine jewelry and wallets in addition to handbags.
Michael Kors wallets are sold in most major department stores. If one does not have access to a major department store in their area, most online retailers have these high-end wallets available.
Michael Kors accessories include totes, cross-body bags, watches, buckle bangles, sunglasses, necklaces, satchels, cuffs, earrings, and rings. Other accessories include bracelets, wallets, and iPhone cases.
Some of the lines designed by Michael Kors include Michael Kors Collection, Michael Michael Kors, and Michael Kors Mens. Additionally, he has lines for accessories like watches, sunglasses, and fragrance.
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Michael Kors Holdings Limited (KORS)had its IPO in 2011.
No. Kay's does not carry Michael Kors watches or anything Michael Kors for that matter.
Michael Kors makes many very popular products such as bags like clutches, totes, and satchels.
Michael Kors is from Long Island,New York
The symbol for Michael Kors Holdings Limited in the NYSE is: KORS.
As of July 2014, the market cap for Michael Kors Holdings Limited (KORS) is $16,789,699,796.24.