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Q: When were sandwich baggies invented?
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Related questions

What kind of baggies are used for carrying or selling drugs?

ziplock, or sandwich baggies usually

What are some of the best brands of plastic baggies?

Depending upon what the baggies are used for, there are many brands of great plastic baggies. Ziploc seems to be the most popular brand of baggies. They have many different types of baggies from freezer and sandwich to vacuum storage bags.

What type of packaging is used for drugs?

Baggies are very popular. Drugs like crack get put in the real small ziploc bags, which is why everyone calls those "crack baggies." Weed? You put that in a sandwich bag or a freezer bag.

How do you keep sandwiches from getting rotten?

You should store sandwiches individually in airtight containers or sandwich baggies in the refrigerator to avoid spoilage.

Was sandwiches invented in sandwich?

They were invented by the Earl of Sandwich when he wanted an easy portable meal to take with him when he went fishing/hunting

Who invented the wrap sandwich?

bobby valentine

When were plastic sandwich bags invented?


Is a bacon lettuce tomato sandwich Italian?

The BLT sandwich is not Italian, despite some claims. This sandwich was American-derived and invented.

Who invented the chicken sandwich at Chickfila?

The chicken sandwich at Chik-fil-a was invented by and Katie Gatzke in the 20th century.

Who is earl who invented a snack out of bread?

The Earl of Sandwich.

Why are sandwiches called sandwiches when they don't have sand in them?

Sandwiches were "invented" by the Earl of Sandwich, who found the combination of pieces of meat between slices of bread. He named these after himself.

Where the sandwich was invented?

The Earl of Sandwich liked to play cards so his staff invented putting bread and cheese on bread so he could eat while playing cards.