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Quality is the main key. Louis Vuitton's are fireproof and waterproof. Why? Their fine Canvas and PVC make it durable. So when purchasing a bag, you can expect 10+ years of great service. They are beautiful with cowhide leather, and other special materials. They are fine bags, that when seen sporting a Vuitton, people know that you have money (even if you don't, it's not all about status.) People have made these bags into status pieces, therefore most people overlook the quality of the bag. They just look at how rich they make them appear. Why not replicas? Replicas never can compare to actual Vuittons. They aren't comparable in any material, and are sometimes easy to spot. For instance, most fakes have glue holding the handles together. Or the material isn't actually canvas, it is imitation.. or not even close. So if someone is trying to sell you a dirt cheap bag, claiming it's authentic.. most of the time.. it's fake. ALWAYS MAKE SURE IF YOU ARE BUYING A SECOND-HAND VUITTON IT INCLUDES A CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY. Or some other proof of authenticity. People are smooth talkers, but no matter how they cut it.. or put it.. NOTHING can compare to the Quality of a LV (Louis Vuitton.) Not only is LV known for it's style, and chic look.. they make bags for both men and women. That makes them unique b/c most bag makers do not make bags for both genders. Also, LV changes their styles up during the season(s), and often more than once during a season. I don't know much more I can say about this magnificent bag. But I should know by experience, for I own a lot of Louis Vuitton's product. AMAZING!! For more information, or for product inquiries, visit-

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