fake leather
The properties of fake leather includes the fact that it feels and smells like plastic. Fake leather looks cheaper than real leather and might have pores printed onto it. Fake leather also tears quite easily.
Fake leather is man made meaing it is made in factories , where as real leather are from cows.
it is fake leather
fake leather usually peels, and real leather does not, it is also thicker and more durable and has a rough or bumpy texture whereas fake leather is generally pretty smooth.
Its a matter of opinion. Fake Leather feels the same as real leather. It really doesn't matter. Though fake leather will wear and tear more over time then real leather. Its all up to the consumer.
another name (i think it is latin) is coriaia, meaning leather, because a substance in the plant can be used to make leather :)
to tell you its sometimes example the purse of a brand name if the purse is cheap or its fake leather or something like that or its not in the real store then you know its fake but when its real leather and its expensive and its in the original store then you know its real.
Perhaps it could be tanned - as leather is treated at a tanner's.
Spotting the quality of the real leather from the fake can sometimes be very hard. Some time you are lucky to have a genuine leather stamp on the watch it's self. A real leather watch will wear better than a fake one. Real leather will have a softer quality to it.
Yes, it is called pleather. like leather... but with a P!
No- faux means false or fake.