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Nothing is really hiding. People choose to wear clothing.

If guys wore no pants, you would likely see genitals.

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Q: What hides in guys pants?
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NO!! The guys that sag their pants are the guys that women sometimes rant about!! My advice to guys is NOT to sag your pants!! But that's just MY opinion...

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Should guys sag their pants?

Sagging pants is a personal choice that guys can make. Most girls, however, agree that this practice is odd to look at, and would prefer to look at a cute butt. Guys sag because they think girls think its hot. But to most girls its weird IF THEY HAVE A PENIS THEN THEY SHOULD SAG, IF THEY HAVE A VAGINA THEN THEY SHOULD NOT SAG

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to make it easier to put on theirs pants. guys just use it for convenient bathroom plans.

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Tight pants and a lot of exposur !!! Tight pants and a lot of exposur !!!

How do you wear womens pants?

they are comfortable how do boys wear what you guys wear?

Why do guys make fun of girls who are inexperienced?

Because they want to be the first one to get in your pants. Some guys are just jerks