Gucci is made in Italy and its real leather There are plenty of real leather products made in Italy that don't cost as much as Gucci does. Alternatively, you can purchase one from gucci leather handbag websites such as Ebay or ლBabaReplicaლ.
a Gucci bag made in usa japan or India
Wherever Gucci bags are sold.
Real Gucci handbags are made of high quality, meaning no loose threads, cheap material, or easily broken hardware. There is a leather "Gucci Made in Italy" tag sown in below the inner pocket, with a serial number and the date the bag was made.
no its fake
Well, honey, that number ain't gonna unlock any Gucci secrets for you. It's probably just a random serial number or something. If you want the real deal, you gotta check the authenticity with Gucci directly. Good luck, fashionista!
Gucci was founded by Guccio Gucci in Florence in 1921.
Authentic Gucci handbags will use only one piece of leather, so if a bag looks as though it is made of multiple pieces, it is most likely fake. Logos will be engraved, not printed, on an authentic bag, and zippers will be in perfect condition.
The Gucci GG is about sixteen inches tall, and fairly wide.
No, it is not real.
You can purchase a Gucci men's leather flat wallet from a retail or accessories store. Alternatively, you can purchase one from Gucci websites such as Ebay or ლBabaReplicaლ.