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It means that Pig really wants to have candy but changed mind and ate salad instead

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Q: What does 'A locked door is very likely to discourage temptation' mean?
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Related questions

When was The Locked Door created?

The Locked Door was created on 1929-11-16.

When was Behind That Locked Door created?

Behind That Locked Door was created in 1970.

How do you use a credit card to open a door?

You use it to pay the lock smith who you employed to unlock the door for you. This is likely to be after proving that you had a right of access to whatever was behind said locked door.

Is it possible to open the Chrysler 300 with key and NOT have alarm go off?

Not if the door was locked.Not if the door was locked.

Why Locked doors are less likely to open in a crash?

Locked doors are less likely to open in a crash because the locking mechanism ensures that the door remains securely closed, even when subjected to high impact forces. Additionally, the structural integrity of the locked door may be better maintained during a crash compared to an unlocked door, reducing the chances of it opening unexpectedly. Lastly, in modern vehicles, safety features are designed to keep doors locked in the event of a crash to protect occupants from being ejected.

How do you finish the game locked door?

unlocking the door

how to open a locked door?

You can open a locked door (From the outside: With a key)(From the inside: With the lock opener, usually by twisting it) :-)

What are four sentences for the word door?

Answer the door!The door was locked. A home webpage is the door to that website. I locked every door and window.

How long has the door been locked to The Secret Garden?

The door to The Secret Garden has been locked for ten years.

Open the fuel door on Mercedes sl 500?

Fuel door is locked when car locked, push on the forward part of door, the aft side will pop out.

Getting through locked doors on YoVille?

If you own the house of the locked door you will automatically get through it. But if it's someone else's house with the locked door than you are not allowed to get through.

How do you get out a locked room?

Unlock the door.