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oh sheet

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Q: What did the comforter say when he fell off the bed?
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How do you say comforter in polish?

comforter (quilt) = kołdra, pronouned ['codra] as in coworker comforter (scarf) = szalik ['shahleek] comforter (nipple) = smoczek ['smotcheck]

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"Tombé" She fell off a tree : Elle est tombée d'un arbre

How do you say off to bed in German?

Guten Nact

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Fall out of bed and land on it funny Hit it on the wall (say you fell or were carrying something and it fell on you) Hit your finger 25 times with a remote if you have a tv in your room

Do lighter-colored bedskirts show stains easily or will no one notice?

Lighter color fabrics will always so stains more easily. The bedskirt is however at the very bottom of the bed and is harder to notice then say, the comforter.

Who did Jesus say was coming after him?

The Comforter, the Holy Ghost, as he promised: And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; (John 14.16)

What answer can you give if somebody asks you if you are hanging in there?

Say "No. I fell off last Thursday around 3:30."

How do you keep your dog off your bed?

you need to train them. i suggest doing the treat training for example: ~the dog is on the bed, you get a treat and motion your hand and voice to say "down" make sure that you say is assertively. ~the first time the dog gets off the bed make sure to reward them with a treat. ~keep doing this training until the dog knows that getting off the bed is a good thing and brings good things to them. good luck!

Do you say make or do the bed?

"Set the bed." To "Make" the bed implies I am a carpenter, mattress worker, or someone who assembles the metal framing that holds the mattress in it's place.When you "set" something up, you already have all of the complete materials to configure the assembly together. (I.E. fitted sheet, loose sheets, comforter, pillow cases, & pillows.)Ex: "Make" the table for dinner vs "Set" the table for dinner. You don't ask someone to make the table.You have the plates, forks, knives, & cups and you "set" them upon the table itself.

How do you say you are off to bed in Swahili?

Kalale,Nenda ukalale, Nenda ukalale, Nenda kulala, all of which mean "go to sleep."Most people would probably say simply Lala! -- go to bed.