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No. Just Give it back to them if they don't want it sell it.

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Q: Someone elses personal property left in your yard can you sell it?
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What is the time limit someone can claim property left behind on someone elses property in California?

One year is the time limit someone can claim property left behind on someone else's property in the state of California. After the one year time period is up, the item is up for grabs.

If person puts possessions in someone elses name before death but Will states some possessions were to be left to someone else but at time of death the person appears to have nothing what happens?

If a person gives away property while still living then it is not part of their estate at their time of death. The only property that can pass by a will is the property owned by the decedent at the time of death.

Personal property left at a residence 90 plus days?

You will have to check your local laws defining and governing the disposition of abandoned property.

Can a lien be placed on a house to allow personal property to be recovered from the residence in New York?

The usual method for recovering property left in a residence that the present tenant or landlord refuses to release is through small claims court. The owner of the personal property must file a claim in court and win a judgment. The court would issue an order for the recovery of the property or money damages, not a lien. In most cases in is illegal for someone to hold personal property unless the holder has a court order allowing the action or a judgment for debt owed.

What happens to personal property left in a repossessed vehicle in Washington?

A creditor may not keep or sell any personal property found insidetje car. This does not include most improvements made to the car, such as a stereo or luggage rack. If your creditor cannot account for valuable articles left in your car, you may be entitled to compensation and you should consult with an attorney. IN Georgia you have 30 days to remove any personal property Left in a repo.

How was ownership of slavery transferred?

Slaves were sold as personal property by living owners or left to their heirs in a will after their death. If there was no will the slaves would pass to the heirs at law according to the laws of intestacy of that time period.Slaves were sold as personal property by living owners or left to their heirs in a will after their death. If there was no will the slaves would pass to the heirs at law according to the laws of intestacy of that time period.Slaves were sold as personal property by living owners or left to their heirs in a will after their death. If there was no will the slaves would pass to the heirs at law according to the laws of intestacy of that time period.Slaves were sold as personal property by living owners or left to their heirs in a will after their death. If there was no will the slaves would pass to the heirs at law according to the laws of intestacy of that time period.

Who is responsible for registering property left in a will?

The executor or personal representative named in the will is responsible for registering property left in a will. They are responsible for transferring the assets from the deceased owner to the intended beneficiaries according to the wishes outlined in the will.

Does a cop need to be present to move someone elses car from your property?

In this state if someone parked his car in my yard and left it, I have the right to call a towing company and have it hauled away without calling the cops. On the other hand, the towing company is licensed and knows the law. They know whom to call, but they will haul the car off. When my car broke down and I parked it on someone else's property on a Saturday night, I got his permission to leave it there until a garage would open where I could get it fixed on a Monday morning.

Is personnal property left in a house I bought mine?

It is important to thoroughly inspect the property before purchase to ensure it is delivered vacant of personal property unless specified in the contract. If personal property was left behind, you may need to negotiate with the seller or seek legal advice to determine ownership rights. It is recommended to have a clear agreement in the purchase contract regarding the condition of personal property.

When a car gets repossessed can they keep the personal property that was in the car?

If you take your personal property before the vehicle is picked up, you can keep it. If you voluntarily turn in the vehicle you get to keep anything you want. If they have to hunt it down and tow it off, you're just out of luck. They'll throw away anything that was in it and if someone picks it up, it's theirs.This is not true.. The creditor must account for all personal belongings found in a repossessed car.. The below answer came from the following site..."What happens to personal property left in my car?Personal property does not apply to improvements made to the car, such as a CD Player, stereo or luggage rack. It only applies to items not connected to the vehicle. The creditor or whoever repossessed the car CANNOT keep or sell any personal property found inside. If the creditor or whoever repossessed the car cannot account for personal property left in the vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation and should consult with an attorney"

What is a bequest and how does it differ from other types of gifts in a will?

A bequest is a gift of personal property or money left to someone in a will. It differs from other types of gifts in a will because it specifically designates certain items or amounts to be given to a particular person or organization.

Can you get personal property that was left in the car?

Yes you can get Which is not a part of the car and your personal property than you will definitely get.