Coach Purse Serial Number N:D1076-F14380
Coach purses have a serial number to verify that each purse is in fact a Coach purse, and not a knock off brand. However, some fake or knock off Coach bags may have a serial number inside.
I bought a sling coach bag in a Coach store in Queensland, doesn't have a serial number, so I guess slings bag doesn't always have a serial number.
an authentic Coach purse will have a leather patch on the inside of the purse. That patch has a paragraph on it, below that paragraph is the serial number. The digits at the ned of that serial number (past the hyphen) indicates the style number.
You can contact coach with the serial number from your bag to verify it is authentic.
Well the serial number is really designed for the company to track where the item was made, and the style of the item. I do not know of a website where you can enter the number. You can contact your local store and they can help you with the serial number
No, it's NOT authentic. Without a doubt, any bag with that serial number will be fake, no matter what style bag the serial number is on.
i dont know the answer do you
have Coach purse serial number F O869 122232 like to know is real
Well the serial number is really designed for the company to track where the item was made, and the style of the item. I do not know of a website where you can enter the number. You can contact your local store and they can help you with the serial number
its cul de sac brand is it in the family of coach brand