what if my bag is stolen bering the no 7244764
No it is not... this is a commonly used replica/ counterfeit hologram sticker and card number.
.yes its reallyreal
No, but type it into google and if another handbag appears that is not yours but has the same ref number, its a replica.
That is not an authentic number for a Chanel bag
13710931 is it a real number of chanel?
Is chanel classic flap bag mini serial number 17348001
Pay attention to the hardware, such as zippers, chains, and clasps. Genuine Chanel hardware is of high quality, and the brand logo is typically engraved or embossed on the hardware. Check for any misspellings or discrepancies in the logo. Inspect the Chanel logo and branding on the bag. The interlocking C's should be symmetrical and properly aligned. The logo is usually embossed or stitched onto the bag and not merely printed. Look for a serial number inside the bag, often located on a sticker or tag. Each Chanel bag has a unique serial number, and you can verify its authenticity by contacting Chanel customer service with the serial number. You can choose to buy vintage chanel handbag from second-hand markets or online auctions. In addition ლBabaReplicaლ is also a good choice.
I wish I knew.
Definitely 100% Original , there are copies of all chanel bags