

Is gauze stretchy

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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Q: Is gauze stretchy
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Is cotton gauze stretchy?

Cotton itself is not a stretchy fiber. Woven fabric is typically not stretchy. So no, I would not expect a cotton gauze to be stretchy unless it was a cotton blend.

Do you add s to the end of gauze or es to the end of gauze?

Gauze is one of those words that we don't make plural. May I have some gauze? May I have five pieces of gauze. There is a lot of gauze on the floor.

What is a gauze made of?

Gauze is made of cottan

How do you use the word gauze in a sentence?

He wrapped his injury in gauze. The gauze curtains blew in the breeze.

Why was the gauze important?

The gauze kept the flies off of the meat.

How many syllables are in gauze?

The word "gauze" has one syllable.

Are ferrets stretchy?

They are somewhat stretchy.. But don't force them to stretch further then they are supposed to go.

What is stretchy elastic?

Stretchy elastic seems to be a trick question for a quiz given in Econ at UP - stretchy elastic is the band around your stomach on a pair of sweats. Good luck out there.

Can hotglue patch a bike tire?

No. Hotglue isn't stretchy, and bike tubes, and patches are. Sticking something stretchy onto something stretchy with a stiff glue isn't going to work.

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it is stretchy

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