Yes the number 13297126 is real
13297126 est un vrai numéro de série de sac Chanel ?
yes it is
On what type of Chanel bag did you see this seriel number?
how to register a Chanel purse?
The average price of a Chanel purse depends on the make, model, and design of the purse. Prices for Chanel purses range from $1250 all the way up to $10,000 dollars. This leaves the median price of a Chanel purse around $3000 to $4000.
Authentic Chanel purse can be purchased at the Chanel Boutique, Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bergdorf Goodman, Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom, and Hirshleifer's.
The interlocked CC (with the first C facing left) is the logo for Chanel, therefore it is likely to be a Chanel purse.
she is wearing a chanel purse! gorgeous no?
They cost about $1500.
Hope i have helped!
Without seeing the bag the question can't be answered. There are other factors to determine if it is authentic.