Yes it is...
100% Authentic, please view you tube videos on how to tell the difference, I purchased mine direct from Chanel with this serial no, quality must be A-1.
That is not an authentic number for a Chanel bag
An authentic Chanel 2.55 will cost not less than $1600. If you cannot afford the big money, a high-quality replica chanel bag would be a good alternative for you.
.yes its reallyreal
To determine the authenticity of a Chanel item based on its serial number, one would typically need to consult Chanel's official database or contact their customer service. Each Chanel product has a unique serial number that can be verified for authenticity. Without access to Chanel's database or customer service, it is difficult to confirm the authenticity of a specific serial number like 10218184. It is recommended to reach out to Chanel directly for verification.
Without seeing the bag the question can't be answered. There are other factors to determine if it is authentic.
100% genuine as there is always a chance all codes can be copied.
To ensure you are buying an authentic Chanel bag, it is best to go to the Chanel Boutique or authorized Chanel retailers like Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom, Bergdorf Goodman, and Hirshleifer's.