One 42 cent stamp is sufficient for postage up to 1 ounce. The second ounce of weight only costs 17 cents, not another 42 cents.
2 should be good. 3 to be safe.
we cant send if possible means we sould encover through stamps
My best SAFE guess is (3) three. Seems some peoples returns are costing them about 1.20 USD to send.. Those (3) three stamps should cover it!Depends on the number of page and size of the envelope. You should have the post office make sure that you use the correct amount of postage because the return will not be delivered if you do not put the correct amount of postage on the income tax return envelope.
where should i put my name on the envelope of my CV?
After 3.5 ounces, the item moves up to large envelope rates. The current rate as of 2016 for an 11 ounce large envelope is $3.18.
I put .96 cents on a wedding invitation i sent to France. But a wedding envelope is bigger than a regular letter envelope.
Flate rate shipping on regular envelopes are 94 cents
It depends on which country you are in and how big your envelope is. The bigger the envelope the more stamps you have to put on. ( that's in the UK)
If you need to mail 10 sheet of paper, you need to put two stamps on the package. You can fold it in an envelope or put it in a manila envelope.
Why not just use the 2006 stamps? You can purchase stamps that can be put on the envelope with the 2006 stamps to make the appropriate rate. Most post offices won't exchange stamps, as there is no reason to do so.