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Q: How large of a suit case can I carry on?
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Can you carry plastic guns in your suit case when flying?

Not in your carry-on luggage.

Why did Bud Not Buddy carry his suit case around?

because it had his blanket and a pic and flier

What is a certified cary on suit case that's pink?

There are some cute pink carry on's at

Does a suit case have wheel and axle?

Some large suitcases do have small wheels and an axle.

Should you wear a string bikini to the beach since you have large b cupped breasts or should you just wear a swimming suit in case on of your large breasts comes out of the small wet suit?

Just wear a swiming suit

Where can I find a large sized bathing suit?

Any store that carries swimming suits will carry suits in large and extra large sizes. If you want something bigger, you will need to go to a specialty store for large women.

What do you call to put clothes in a suit case?

To pack is to call to put your clothes in a suit case.

What is the name of a small motorboat carried on a large ship starting with L?

A lifeboat, which is a small boat put on a large ship for safety in case of sinking, would suit the clues.

Which is biggest brief case or suit case?


What are the release dates for The Suit Case Mystery - 1910?

The Suit Case Mystery - 1910 was released on: USA: 25 March 1910

What are the release dates for The Suit Case Mystery - 1911?

The Suit Case Mystery - 1911 was released on: USA: 4 November 1911

What is a bag you take on vaction?

suit case