Well to tell if a Juicy Couture purse is REAL the ID digit should have 9 id numbers also I collect juicy purses and if it was made after 2005 the zipper should have a heart with a "J" in the middle. It wil also have real leather. If it is fake it will have rough coarse leather.
..... I on the other hand know mine is not fake it has the id number on the tag and also says made of 100% cowhide leather but i know its made before 2005, the colour is worn a bit, would it still be worth anything?
well you can usually tell if juicy couture is fake by the way it smells and its leather texture (of course)
Look on the Juicy Couture website or look at pictures, does your purse fit in (e.g. say that......all the purses have diamonds on and yours have buttons) Also it is the right material and cost?
you can tell by the labe and if the clothing says juicy couture if it say ex ''Juiliet Couture it is fake go with your instincts and if your not 100% sure if it is real then dont buy it.
One can tell whether their Juicy Couture swimwear is genuine or fake by knowing the following facts - The fake swimwear is pure white and is not well made. The style of cuts in the fake swimwear at the top are totally different from the genuine swimwear.
Well if you don't buy the item from one of juicy couture's real stores or from a place that sells actual juicy couture, it is most likely fake. Also all of the real juicy couture bags have real leather on pockets,handels&phone pouches ( "hello?"). the metal is so high quality and you can tell by the label inside. If it does not smell like leather... and whenever you pull the straps and they , uh expand like a rubber band...yup yup yup
I don't think they sell fake one's the real one's come in juicy couture boxes and when you look at what kind of one's there are you will know what the real one's look like. Juicy couture charms they have like a little stamp which looks like a crown on the jewellery the one the charm is hooked onto. They cost from £40- £60 each there's loads online. There usually the same one's in every shop or internet website.
real has thick leather (if there is leather) and is very soft. it also has professional looking labels. It should also be high quality and have a reasonable price,
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! One way to tell if a Juicy Couture item is fake is to look at the quality of the materials and stitching. Authentic pieces are often made with high-quality materials and have carefully done stitching. Remember, it's all about embracing what brings you joy, whether it's a genuine or replica piece. Just trust your instincts and choose what makes you feel happy inside.
If you bought the pusrse at a bazaar in afghanistan, then it is probably fake.
Juicy couture is not real gold nor do they sell real diamonds I've been wearing it for years , u can purchase their signature charm bracelet for about $40 , u can also purchase a cleaning cloth to stop the jewelry from tarnishing. Now, u can tell real juicy as opposed to a knockoff by the signature crown or juicy couture writing on the jewelry .
It depends on the fake manufacturer. Some are very good and hard to tell.