Well ... if you have a Louis VITTON purse, what does it matter whether it is real or not! It would be a real VITTON handbag! Now, if you had paid for a Louis Vuitton purse which is not real, that could be different. You may be one of those people who think that having an expensive, designer handbag is important. If so ... that's sad and it would be amusing to think that you have spent a lot of money on something which is not even "real".
i have a louis vuitton monagramme purse..it has the serial number M61215 inside the purse..is it real
i have LV code RA-1780-003 i just want to know if its real
Not sure- There are no pictures posted. I have a purse with the same snap numbers and all. My purse is a replica from the 1940s. Hope this helps.
Yes it it.
to tell you its sometimes example the purse of a brand name if the purse is cheap or its fake leather or something like that or its not in the real store then you know its fake but when its real leather and its expensive and its in the original store then you know its real.
How to identify authentic vera wang handbag
made in itlal
This is what I know so far: I have a coach purse, and its real. First thing is OBVIOUS. The price. Last but not least, look at the design! See if it looks real to you or not. I hoped this helped...:)
have Coach purse serial number F O869 122232 like to know is real
The average purse is about $20.00
You can search for the number online, and if the purse is real, you will find its information on their website.