Well, honey, if that Ralph Lauren bag looks like it was made in a back alley by someone with one eye closed, chances are it's fake. Check the stitching, the logo placement, and the overall quality - if it screams "cheap knockoff," then it probably is. And remember, if the price seems too good to be true, it most likely is.
Spotting a fake Ralph Lauren bag is simple. First consider the price. A real bag will be priced anywhere from $1,000 to $20,000 new. Second look for a tag that says it is authentic. The material should be very high quality. Knock offs use low quality material. Lastly check out the stitching. The stitches should be perfect on both the inside and outside.
A brand new Ralph Lauren bag costs between $45.00 to $4950.00 depending on the style and material one might be looking for. For a fabric, basic bag, one is looking at the lower end of that range. For a leather fancy designer bag, the upper end.
There are many ways to identify fake bags such as Tommy Hilfiger. You can tell if bags are fake by their material. You can also examine the stitching and tag placement of the bag.
How can i tell a real bag from a fake one
This bag has plenty of storage. It has a id pocket and quite a few twill pockets. The bag is 4 1/2" wide by 18" long by 11"high.
a fake michael kors bag will usually have the name spelled wrong and the quality of bag isnt as good , also the stiching is sloppy
that's easy! are you stupid or something?! you have to see if on the bag it has DG and if not its fake!
you can tell if a gucci bag ain't fake if shows or has the namebrand type of tag thing inside of the purse of bag.also if the letters from the design don't look weird to you.i have some of my own and i always check but i know there real due to the place where i get them from.hope this works!
You will know when it is fake if you look inside of the bag at the back of a zipper. If you don't see YKK, it is fake. Also, if you compare a real one to one you are not sure about, you can feel the difference through the fabric.
To tell if a Chloe bag is fake, look at the label. Ensure the label is genuine leather. Also, ensure the zipper is metal.
The price, for starters. And the place you bought it.
Usually a fake will have the Gucci sign glued on instead of sewn but sometimes they are sewn on and then you can't really tell.
100% Authentic, please view you tube videos on how to tell the difference, I purchased mine direct from Chanel with this serial no, quality must be A-1.