You can tell if a Chanel is real or fake by looking at it and feeling it. You should never see glue residue on a real Chanel. The leather should look and feel high quality. Hardware should be sturdy, not cheap and bendable.
It depends on the fake manufacturer. Some are very good and hard to tell.
Usually there some easy ways to tell, just like with Rolexes. A real Rolex will have a second hand that glides smoothly, as opposed to ticking. A real Chanel (or any high-end purse) will be flawlessly constructed. Not one stitch out of place, smooth lines, everything symmetrical and perfect, made with real materials and bearing an authentic label or logo. Other than that, it's a lot of instinct and avoiding buying from anyone/anywhere that isn't a certified Chanel distributor. So, really, the best way to avoid a fake is not to buy FROM A FAKE.
to tell you its sometimes example the purse of a brand name if the purse is cheap or its fake leather or something like that or its not in the real store then you know its fake but when its real leather and its expensive and its in the original store then you know its real.
How can I tell if a Chanel bracelet is real
Fakes might have slightly darker color of brown on the side.
Will you can buy a fake chanel bag at a flea market. They look just the same and nobody can tell the difference even if you think you know all about chanel.some of the bags there are even real.they sell them for no more than 50 dollars. I buy the real bags but when my cousins saw me with my chanel purse they all wanted one and i have alot of cousins i was not going to buy them a real bag that's to much money especially to spend on them. So one of my friends told me i could get them at the flea market.even though i know they sell them at the flea market i still by mine from the millenia mall in Orlando.and if you are wondering how i knew some of the chanel bags at the flea market were real its because they had a card in the purse saying that it was real.
EHow has a guide to spotting a fake Chanel handbag. It should be able to help you determine if your bag is real or not. WikiAnswers also has a guide to telling authentic Chanel bags from fake ones. That's the one I determine that the one my husband got me was fake. We're divorced now.
100% Authentic, please view you tube videos on how to tell the difference, I purchased mine direct from Chanel with this serial no, quality must be A-1.
If you do an Internet search for "real v. counterfeit Coach purse," the first few articles that appear will provide you with very detailed information regarding the best ways to tell if your purse is real or fake.
There are three main ways that you can tell if a Coach purse is fake, 1. on the inside of every REAL bag there is a little leather patch that says info about the coach, FAKE purses DO NOT have this, 2. most times fake leather looks like plastic, 3. the way the coach symbol is formed, if it doesent look normal, it is in most cases FAKE.