90% of the bags selling on websites are fake, whatever the seller said they have receipt, or authentic card. Actually, Iprefer replica bags, they are same quality, but less price. yes,i agree with your opinion.you can take your purse to the special store,they will tell you.
if it says that it is on the bat. Most of the time they do not make fake authentic bats. YOU WOULD CERTAINLY BE ABLE TO TELL IF IT WAS FAKE. its not something that you just wouldn't notice, youd definitely know, because all the fake bats look REALLY FAKE.
If you have a card called "Exodia the Dark Master", then it is a fake. There is no authentic card with that name.
There are many ways to identify fake bags such as Tommy Hilfiger. You can tell if bags are fake by their material. You can also examine the stitching and tag placement of the bag.
Usually you compare it to known qualities of an original or authentic version of whatever it is.
Louis Vuitton Speedy's are the most popularly copied purses on the market. The real Louis Vuittons will have a double-stitch on the inside, but only a single on the outside, Vuitton's signature style.
Perlina handbags are not a huge counterfeit item, so the worry of getting a fake one is less. If you get it through a reliable outlet, like a real store and not online you are safe. Otherwise look closely at the stitching. Fakes will tend to not have as good / as clean stitching, especially inside where it is less obvious.
Beneath the zipper on an authentic fendi handbag, there should be an FF logo. If there isn't an FF logo then the bag is fake. An authentic fendi bag will have two small flathead screws on the top right side of the woven handle but fakes do not.
The fakes look very similar to the authentic, but authentic Coach bags have straight, even, tight stitching with no loose ends. Also, most items are stamped Coach on either the back of the snaps or the buckles. Coach bags do not have signature lining and use YYK zippers with the logo on the back. Finally, all authentic Coach bags that are too small will have a creed and registration sewn on the inside lining of the bag.
Ok so the Vera Bradley bags made in china are authentic because most of them are made in china. Many designer hand bags are made in china such as gucci and coach, however there can be knockoff bags because the design is made in china. More recently the era Bradley bags have been made in the USA but some are still made in china, you can normally tell the difference by the pattern, te designs are usually more vibrant, and te fabric is normally good quality A vb bag from china COULD be fake, but it is possible for it to be an authentic one: the best way to find out is to take it to a vb store and have them look at it, also all authentic vb bags have the little white tag inside thT says Vera Bradley in green. Hope I helped :)
EHow has a guide to spotting a fake Chanel handbag. It should be able to help you determine if your bag is real or not. WikiAnswers also has a guide to telling authentic Chanel bags from fake ones. That's the one I used...to determine that the one my husband got me was fake. We're divorced now.
you can tell if a gucci bag ain't fake if shows or has the namebrand type of tag thing inside of the purse of bag.also if the letters from the design don't look weird to you.i have some of my own and i always check but i know there real due to the place where i get them from.hope this works!