The best way to tell if a Coach bag on eBay is authentic is to find a seller with excellent feedback who is listing a bag at a reasonable (ie, not too good to be true) price and offers a money-back guarantee if the bag is not authentic. Avoid bidding on bags which are too low priced or are from sellers outside of the United States. Also, an original picture in a listing (ie, someone took the photo of the bag in their own home) is more likely to indicate an authentic bag than a listing with a lifted photo.
Is coach bag MO4K-5659 authentic
Is coach bag MO4K-5659 authentic
You can contact coach with the serial number from your bag to verify it is authentic.
it will have a tag on the inside of the bag.
The fakes look very similar to the authentic, but authentic Coach bags have straight, even, tight stitching with no loose ends. Also, most items are stamped Coach on either the back of the snaps or the buckles. Coach bags do not have signature lining and use YYK zippers with the logo on the back. Finally, all authentic Coach bags that are too small will have a creed and registration sewn on the inside lining of the bag.
My coach bag tells me on the leather label inside the bag that it is "handcrafted in China". This also has an ID number on it. I know this is an authentic bag because I bought it from a Coach store.
Look at the patterns. In a real coach bag, the C's should touch each other. Also, the center of the patten will be at the center of the bag. Most Coach bags will also have a serial number stamped on the inside somewhere. stitching and the symbol Is it the lining?
No. C06k-95827
You can tell if your Coach bag is genuine by looking at the tag on the inside, the words on it, or a couple other ways.
i have bought a bag which i was told it was a coach bag on eBay but it has Nina west in side i want to know if she is part of coach bags if she designed them.
i have bought a bag which i was told it was a coach bag on eBay and BabaReplica but it has Nina west in side i want to know if she is part of coach bags if she designed them.
Unfortunately if you are looking for an authentic Coach handbag you will seldom find them discounted. There are many knock offs, but for an original your only options would be to try eBay, or perhaps a Coach outlet if there is one in your area. Once you purchase an authentic Coach bag, they will send you regular promotions for discounts of 20-25%.