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Q: Can you wash ballistic nylon
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What is the difference between 1050 ballistic nylon and 2520 ballistic nylon when it comes to luggage?

well....or it is because the 1050 ballistic nylon is at his natural aspect and once time this last one is used and modified to get the form of a part of a luggage, become a 2520 ballistic nylon .....I think!!

Which is stronger1600 denier polyester versus ballistic nylon?


Do you have cordura or ballistic nylon 600 d or better?

If you go to any Monaca gun shop you should be able to find out where to get 600D ballistic nylon Cordura.

What is the difference between ballistic nylon and denier?

Denier is a unit of weight indicating the fineness of fiber filaments and yarns that are woven together to make up the ballistic nylon.

How do you wash nylon?

You wash it with loads of soap

Is Dacron the same as ballistic nylon?

No, Dacron and ballistic nylon are two different materials. Dacron is a type of polyester fabric known for its durability and resistance to wrinkles and shrinkage, commonly used in clothing and upholstery. Ballistic nylon, on the other hand, is a thick and tough synthetic fabric primarily used in applications requiring high abrasion resistance, like luggage and military gear.

What is the best denier for luggage?

A 1260 American made Ballistic Nylon is the best you can get at this time but they are coming up with new fabrics all the time. A 2520 Foreign made ballistic nylon is not a bad choice either.

Where can you buy ballistic nylon in Australia?

Try Wax Converters.

How do you clean ballistic nylon luggage?

This site had some good info:

How do you remove stains from nylon and spandex?

wash it with bleach

Which luggage is more durable - that made of ballistic nylon or that made of 600 denier polyester?

The ballistic nylon will be a higher denier (thickness of the thread). Also will be shiny/glossy compared to the matte finish of polyester. Ballistic nylon will be much more durable and much less likey to tear or scuff. You can get higher denier polyester (900, 1200, 1800) which will be better for wear and tear. The price will reflect this however as 600d poly is low to mid price point whereas the others are higher.

Can you wash nylon?

I wash nylon, rayon, and almost everything else in the washing machine on a gentle cold wash. I only put fabric softner and washing powder in and then hang it to dry. As we all know it's the dryer that shrinks and destroys things.