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You can sleep on it like a sofa. However it is not nearly as comfortable as a real mattress.

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Q: Can you use a chaise lounge chair as a bed?
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What is another word for a long chair?

couch or sofa. loveseat. Even better, chaise or chaise lounge. Or you could use the word recliner. First poster says: emdrgreg (2nd poster) is being polite. first poster thought question implied WIDE chair. a long chair WOULD be a chaise lounge, to best of first poster's knowledge. although, chaise lounge in my experience is ?restricted to lawn furniture?

Can you buy a chaise lounge for the outdoors?

Yes chaise lounge can be bought for outdoor use, different websites offer an increasing variety of styles and designs that you can pick from to find one that suites your outdoor area.

Create a Place of Solitude on the Patio?

Everyone can use a little quiet time as the day begins or at the end of a busy day. Small patio sets that include one chair, an ottoman and a small table are ideal for designing an outdoor place of solitude. A papasan chair is a popular choice for creating a one person retreat. A chaise and side table set is another option. Chaise lounge chairs are perfect for relaxing or napping.

How do you write a blue chair in french in feminin form?

a blue chair -- une chaise bleueYou asked for the "feminine form". There aren't really different forms, though. Chaise is a feminine noun, so you use the feminine form of bleu.

How can I keep an outdoor chaise lounge from getting sun damaged?

There is a product called Solar Shield Protection that you can purchase to apply to your outdoor chaise lounge and other outdoor furniture that is designed to help protect your furniture from the sun. You can learn more about it and purchase it at It also helps to use covers when the furniture is not in use.

What is a simile for sofa?

The sofa was as hard as a rock.

Faded outdoor lounge chair?

Yes, you can indeed dye the canvas on your outdoor chair. You can even use regular clothing dye.

Is chair in french mascuine or feminine?

If you mean chair is an english word thenLa chaise (chair) is feminineLe fauteuil (armchair) is masculineIf you mean chair (meat) is a french word thenLa chair is feminine

You love your new chair in french?

You love your new chair. -- Tu adores ta nouvelle chaise. -- "tew ah-dohr tah noo-vell shezz" I thought it sounded like something to say to someone you use "tu" with, but of course you could also translate it as "Vous adorez votre nouvelle chaise."

How do you use recumbent in a sentence?

The man is in a recumbent position. I looked out the window and saw my mother in her lounge chair, recumbent and dead to the world.

How do I clean my chaise lounges?

The way to clean chaise lounges depends on what they are made out. If you are referring to outdoor chaise lounges, you use water and dish soap. It will get it very clean.

How do you move an elderly person from bed to wheelchair and from wheelchair to couch that has no use of their legs?

You use a slide board. It's a board that's 9" x 3' smooth and tapered at the ends. Park the chair next to the bed, set the brakes, remove the arm of the chair nearest the bed. Insert the slide board under your leg, and the other end on the bed or the chair, depending on which way you're going. Set the height of the bed so that you're going slightly downhill, and scoot across the board.