Chanel has a factory in Verneuil en Halatte, a few dozens of kilometers north of Paris. Chanel handbags (not sure if all of them) are made there.
in france
Yes, Chanel is from France. Cocoa Chanel is the designer/founder for the brand Chanel.
Many designer handbags are fake replicas to the Dior designer handbags. Real Dior handbags are made in Italy, but many people believe that the handbags were made in France, due to the Dior Christian Paris labels that come with them. Because of these labels, many handbag sellers have tried to sell fake Dior handbags to the public by putting labels that say they were made in Paris. Anyone who knows their designer handbags would know that the true and pure Dior handbags were made in Italy. Many people are unable to tell the difference between a fake handbag, or a pure one. Dior bags can be sold in any country including Japan, China, or even Turkey, but if they do not have the made from Italy on the label, they are a fake replica. Just as a person can tell a black widow from the hourglass shape on their abdomen, people can tell an authentic Dior designer handbag by the black leather rectangle credit card tag with the label Christian Dior Paris, Made In Italy, along with a six character serial number. The reason that buying a fake Dior handbag replica is so disconcerting is because sellers will charge the same price as a Dior designer handbag. Dior handbags are not cheap. A person can not buy a Dior handbag for less than two hundred and fifty dollars, so for a person to spend over two hundred and fifty dollars on a designer handbag that turned out to be fake, can be a devastating blow for them. Pure Dior designer handbags are made out of genuine leather materials that come with the finest accessories that make this handbag such a hot commodity. Fake handbags are mostly made out of fake leather, but it is very hard to tell them a part. This is why so many dubious sellers get away with selling fake handbags. People who shop on the Dior website will be sure to find the purest quality Dior designer handbags, but people who shop on places like E-bay may be stuck with a fake replica. If they can check the label to make sure it is a pure Dior handbag, they will be safe, but if the label says made in France or Paris, it is a fake, and they should fight to get their money back.
mainly in paris, france.
It depends, I'd think snake skin, real and/or fake, if this is what you were asking
It depends what type the Chanel bag is. There is a tiny label inside. Whenever it is written made in France, the bag was made in the factory that Chanel owns in a small town north of Paris.
Chanel is a high-fashion house that specializes in luxury clothes and accessories. Chanel scarves and other Chanel products are produced in both France and Italy.
Chanel bags and accessories are either made in France or made in Italy. The interior tag or stamp should not say made in Paris.
Chanel designer handbags are all smaller handbags that come in many different designs and textures. The Chanel handbags also come in different designs for each season of winter, summer, spring, and fall. For the 2009 handbag selections, each handbag came out with a classy small caviar leather flap bag with diamond lattice buckles, and a chain strap that is interlaced with leather. They come in many different colors of light blue, dark blue, pink, green, black, sandy brown, red, and gray. People who buy Chanel handbags will not pay under one hundred dollars. The prices fluctuate between $113 to $150 on sale. The normal prices for Chanel handbags are closer to $200 or more. The spring and summer handbags are all designed with a quilted cow skin texture, and all of the handbags will come with a serial number, and the authentic Chanel Paris card, booklet, and emblem that will let people know that they are buying the real thing. Every year Chanel designer handbags will come with a new design that will be different from the year before. In 2008, the handbags came out with small flat bottomed handbags that had one large opening at the top to fit items. The colors and texture were black crocodile and printed leather with black leather straps and buckles, and a gold handbag with mosaic patterns, and a lattice design that were selling for $220. The new 2010 collections were made with all black leather and an extra zipper on the back, and several pockets on the side for a cell phone, and credit cards. The 2010 handbags are also a little larger than the previous smaller handbags from the previous years. The 2010 handbags also came out with smaller black leather Italian handbags with a surface drilling texture, and twisted buckle locks. Chanel handbags also came out with a new type of handbag for the month of August in 2010 that are red, yellow, black, and white handbags with different sizes, designs, and patterns. The red bags are larger handbags made out of all red leather, with a chain flap, and a Chanel logo on the front. Most of the 2010 Chanel handbags carry a common theme of cow skin leather with lattice flaps, and Chanel logos.
Hope i have helped!