Paul Krugman won The Prize in Economic Sciences in 2008.
Franoise Barre-Sinoussi won The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2008.
Shw won a peace prize for the internation campainge to band landmines
The band Elbow is an English rock band that was formed in the year 1990. Their The Seldom Seen Kid album won the Mercury Music Prize in 2008. One can find more detailed information on the band Elbow online at the Wikipedia website. There one will find a more detailed listing one the song lists as well as band members.
He won the Nobel prize for literature in 2008.
Primal Scream: Screamadelica
Del Kathryn Barton
He won a Pulitzer Prize in 2008.
Simon Kuznets won The Prize in Economic Sciences in 1971.
Al Gore
Toshihide Maskawa won The Nobel Prize in Physics in 2008.
Peter Grunberg won The Nobel Prize in Physics in 2008.