Certainly! Here are translations of the word "thankful" in different languages:
In this modern world you do not need a Chinese speaker - have you tried Google Translate! Type "Google Translate" into the Google search bar and you will be shown a site where you can translate many languages, one into another using the power of computers.
Of course! Please provide the French sentences you would like me to translate.
I need to translate this document from English to French before our meeting tomorrow.
Could you please specify the languages you are referring to?
Sure, please provide me with your name so I can translate it into Korean for you.
Please choose which languages you would like it translated into first.
translate the word "lohah"
go to Google translate
There are approximately 2,000 languages spoken in Africa. Please be more specific.
RANDY - Please note that Christian / European names do not translate to Native Languages.
There are MANY Native American languages, so please specify which one you want the translation in.
Please specify what particular language you mean. India has many languages. If you mean Native American, there are also many Native American languages, not just one.
I can translate the Christmas song 'Silent night' in sign language.Interpreters will translate the dignitary's speech.Good intentions do not always translate into effective actions.Here are three sentences using the word 'translate':"James is fluent in English and French and so can translate between the two languages.""Please will you translate this into German for me?""When I am older I would like to translate for the government."
There's actually no such language as Swiss. Switzerland has 4 official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Please specify which language you want to translate into.
There's actually no such language as Swiss. Switzerland has 4 official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Please specify which language you want to translate into.
Please see related links.
There's actually no such language as Swiss. Switzerland has 4 official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Please specify which language you want to translate into.