The term "internet" is capitalized because it is a proper noun that refers to a specific global network of interconnected computers. It distinguishes the Internet from a generic internet, which is a network of interconnected smaller networks.
It is common for the word Internet to be capitalized. However, there are differing opinions over whether it should be or not. It ultimately comes down to your own style choice. If you choose to capitalize it then remain consistent throughout your work and always capitalize it or vice versa.
The word Internet is capitalized when referring to the global system of interconnected computer networks.
No, because it is a prepositio n.
No, not every word in a movie title is capitalized. Typically, only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized in a movie title.
Yes, "Boys" is capitalized when it is the first word in a sentence or as part of a proper noun.
The anagram is "internet" (also still rarely capitalized as Internet).
It is common for the word Internet to be capitalized. However, there are differing opinions over whether it should be or not. It ultimately comes down to your own style choice. If you choose to capitalize it then remain consistent throughout your work and always capitalize it or vice versa.
The word Internet is capitalized when referring to the global system of interconnected computer networks.
No, because it is a prepositio n.
It may or may not be capitalized. You should refer to the style guide for the venue being used.The word "internet" is subject to debated style usage. Although the global system may still be referred to as the "Internet", it is rare for the generic term "internet" ever to be capitalized in non-academic use. The number of publications that still use the capitalized form is rapidly dwindling.Although some sources (notably on Wikipedia) continue to use the capitalized form, even these recognize that some style guides that do capitalize the noun do not capitalize the adjective form, e.g. on the Internet, internet connection.
The word Chinese is a proper noun and is capitalized.
No, not every word in a movie title is capitalized. Typically, only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized in a movie title.
No, the word forecast should not be capitalized in a sentence.
The word 'will' should be capitalized only when it is a person's name or the first word in a sentence. As a verb or common noun, it should not be capitalized.
Yes, "Boys" is capitalized when it is the first word in a sentence or as part of a proper noun.
The German word "Tag" is capitalized when it starts a sentence or if it is a noun, but it is not typically capitalized when used in the middle of a sentence as a normal word.