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Why should they? It is just one of many Germanic languages, which in turn is just one of many Indo-European languages. The reason it has become so widespread is due to a variety of geopolitical factors in the last several hundred years.

Language was developed over a very long period of time separately by humans in all different parts of the world who had no contact with each other. Therefore, they ended up developing very different syntax, grammar, sounds, writing systems, etc.. Many people internationally are finding it advantageous to learn English as a second language now, but to replace their native language with English is not something that can or should be done for a variety of social, cultural, and political reasons.

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Language is a vital part of culture and identity for many people, so there is value in preserving and using diverse languages. Also, local languages can be more effective for communication within specific communities. Additionally, the history of colonization and Imperialism has led to English becoming a dominant global language, but forcing everyone to adopt it could undermine linguistic diversity.

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Q: Why doesn't everyone in the world just speak English?
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Greater than 96% of the world does not speak English as their first language.

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There are hundreds of tribes all over the world that do not speak English.

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No because that in itself is discriminatory toward those who do not speak English. It is like saying you can't come to America unless you speak English. How can the world unite with one another if we are forcing everyone to speak one language? How can culture thrive with only one language spoken? Individual cultures can't thrive if their native languages are abolished and they are forced to speak English. It's blasphemy in my opinion. I speak English, but I value the diversity of the world and the multitude of cultures and languages. It adds this constant challenge of learning something new which is what I thrive for in life.

What percent of The world don't speak English as Their first language?

As of 2018, about 96% of the world's population do not speak English as their first language.

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The English speak countries want English be the world language

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Approximately 1 billion more people in the world speak Chinese than speak English, making Chinese the most spoken language globally.

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the main language of the world is english and most of your customers may or may NOT speak english

Can dalip singh speak english?

Dalip Singh knows how to speak English. He is a wrestler with the World Wrestling Federation.

What percentage of the world's population speak English as their first language?

Approximately 5.5% of the world's population speak English as their first language.

How many people in the world speak English languages?

I would say, about 3 quarters of the whole world would PROBALLY speak English. Its not a definate, but if you think. If you go to somewhere like Turkey, Egypt or Morocco most of the locals speak it!

Percentage of the world population speaks fluent English?

The estimated number of people in the world that speak English fluently is about 30 percent of the population. If the world's population is about 7,264,712,400 people. This would mean that roughly 2,179,413,720 people in the world currently speak English fluently.