Bruno's mother asks him not to use the word "hate" because she wants to promote a sense of empathy and understanding towards others, even those they may not agree with or understand. By avoiding the word hate, she hopes to encourage him to approach situations with an open mind and not jump to negative conclusions.
Yes, the word "Mother" should be capitalized when it is used as a proper noun or as a title preceding someone's name, such as "Mother Teresa." However, when it is used as a common noun to refer to a mother in general, it is not capitalized, such as "She is a loving mother."
The infinitive form of "ask" is "to ask."
The future tense of "ask" is "will ask." For example, "I will ask my mother to go out with my friends tonight."
The root word that means "ask" is "rogare" from Latin.
Ask your father.
"I felt the most boiling HATRED I have ever felt."
I had to ask him to stop when he spoke of his mother with disparagement.
Yes, you can ask a friend why they hate another one of your friends.
I don't hate Spain. Why do you ask such a question?
Yes, the word "Mother" should be capitalized when it is used as a proper noun or as a title preceding someone's name, such as "Mother Teresa." However, when it is used as a common noun to refer to a mother in general, it is not capitalized, such as "She is a loving mother."
Tanyakanlah in English is ask it.Example sentence, 'Tanyakanlah kepada Ibumu': 'Ask it to your mother'
when someone loves you that's when they hang around you a lot and when someone hates you that's when they ignore you hate is a strong word most people don't hate other people so I think he loves you ask him don't worry
He asks him "Why do you hate me?"
i dont know that is why i ask you this
It either means they hate you, they didn't hear you, or they're your friend, and they're kidding. Ask them.