Sporks are hybrid utensils that combine the features of a spoon and a fork in one tool. They typically have a spoon-shaped bowl with fork tines on the edge.
"Use your head" in Portuguese can be translated as "Use a cabeça".
Example sentences for the noun 'use':I must thank Jim for the use of his car.The use of foul language is not permitted here.Example sentences for the verb 'use':You may use my pen to write the note.We use English to answer these questions.
The plural form of use is uses.
Prefix of "use" is "u".
ys sporks are real people say it isnt but it is real
There does not appear to be a scientific name to describe the fear of sporks.
Sporks don't work as a fork or a spoon, so they aren't awesome.
Yes, some companies manufacture metal sporks, which are utensils that combine the features of a spoon and a fork in one piece. These metal sporks are usually made from stainless steel and can be reusable and durable for various dining purposes.
No, they are not as useful to Dragons as sporks are. ya right! dragons do use spoons because they are awesome and so are spoons! dragons can't eat soup with out a spoon! so dragons use spoons, sporks, forks, knives and all silver wear especially spoons!!!
Camping stores like Dick or Bass Pro shop have the best selection of sporks.
knives, forks, sporks exctra..........
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fork, dork, pork, and cork
sporks, spoons that look like forks