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Because they never had the chance or they just didn't want to

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Immigrants may have initially focused on preserving their cultural traditions rather than creating new ones due to a desire to maintain a sense of identity and connection to their homeland. Additionally, they may have faced challenges in adapting to a new environment and language, limiting their ability to innovate artistically. Over time, as immigrants became more settled and integrated in society, they may have begun to contribute to the cultural landscape through their own unique artistic expressions.

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Q: Why do you think immigrants to the US and Canada did not develop new styles of Art music and literature at first?
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Continue Learning about Linguistics

How does the countries languages affect the development of Indian literature?

The diverse languages in India have enriched its literature by allowing for a variety of literary traditions, styles, and themes to develop. Different languages provide unique perspectives and creativity that contribute to the richness and depth of Indian literature. The multilingual landscape also fosters cultural exchange and artistic innovation, making Indian literature dynamic and vibrant.

What did German immigrants introduce to America?

German immigrants introduced to America a variety of customs, foods, and traditions, such as Christmas trees, pretzels, hot dogs, beer brewing, and Oktoberfest celebrations. They also influenced American culture through their music, dance, and architectural styles.

What are the different styles in linguistics?

Some different styles in linguistics include descriptive linguistics, which focuses on analyzing and describing how language is used in a particular speech community, and theoretical linguistics, which seeks to develop models and theories to explain and understand language structures and patterns. Other styles include applied linguistics, which looks at how linguistic theories can be applied to real-world issues such as language teaching and translation, and sociolinguistics, which examines the relationship between language and society.

What is the most interesting thing in an English class?

The most interesting thing in an English class is the opportunity to explore complex literature, analyze different writing styles, and engage in thought-provoking discussions about themes and characters. It provides a platform for creativity and critical thinking.

How do the country several languages affect the development of Indian literature?

The diverse languages in India allow for a rich tapestry of literary traditions to flourish, with each language contributing unique perspectives, themes, and styles to Indian literature. This linguistic diversity has led to a more inclusive and varied literary landscape, showcasing the country's cultural heritage and promoting a greater understanding and appreciation of different linguistic traditions. On the other hand, it can also pose challenges in terms of translation and reaching a wider audience beyond specific language speakers.

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Its influence was on the developing styles of literature of other peoples who used it to develop their own styles and genres, and often used the characters and events in them as a base for their own variations.

Why is geometry important to us now and historically?

It allows us to develop shapes and forms of other styles of work in art and literature. It also has an engineering purpose.

Of the styles of jazz music which was the last to develop?

Cool and funk were the last styles of jazz to develop.

How does the countries languages affect the development of Indian literature?

The diverse languages in India have enriched its literature by allowing for a variety of literary traditions, styles, and themes to develop. Different languages provide unique perspectives and creativity that contribute to the richness and depth of Indian literature. The multilingual landscape also fosters cultural exchange and artistic innovation, making Indian literature dynamic and vibrant.

What Contributions Did England have with Canada?

England contributed the English language to Canada. The English workingmen brought their own traditions of trade unions and social democracy. Society ladies shared their love of teas, jams and biscuits. Also, their taste in literature, poetry and architectural styles.

What were the styles of drama art and literature in Tokugawa japan?

haiku and kabuki

Why do you think new American styles of art and literature emerged?

American styles of art and literature emerged due to the changes to western society in the 19th and 20th century. These changes are also known as modernism.

Does Harry Styles come from Canada?

No he is British.

Of these styles of Jazz music what was last to develop?

cool (Apex)

What were the new styles of the drama art and literature in Tokugawa Japan?

haiku and kabuki

How do you develop a strategy for effective communication and collaboration amongst the learning styles?

learning styles and a strategy for effective communication and collaboration

Which was the first one to develop in styles of jazz msuic?

Ragtime it was from the 1890s